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Mr. FILHO, Antonio Vieira


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Other Services

01 - Installer and Repairer of Lines and Appliances, Bargoa Enhgenharia S / A, 01 - 03/2000, São Paulo-SP.

02 - Bilingual Receptionist, Hotel Resort Praia do Forte. 05-07 / 1997 Pojuca-BA.

03 - Draft Surveyor, IX/1986 the V/1990. SGS SA, P & I Agent, Salvador-BA.
- Make check charge
- Monitor the storage load for photographs and samples during the beginning, middle and end of the load
- Prepare reports for benchmarking the responsible Engineer

04 - Operations Clerk, IX/1986 the V/1990. PROCYON Agencia Maritima Ltda. Routine ditto LIBRA Cia SA

05 - Translator, IX/1986 the V/1990. RIVERSEA Agencia Maritima Ltda., STAR SHIP Agencia Maritima Ltda.
- Translate technical literature during maintenance
- Track crews to office, airport and other
- Track crew on surveys in CPBA. The 2nd Naval District

06 - Operations Clerk, IX/1986 the V/1990. ARGUSA (Current: Port Trapiche), Salvador-BA.

07 - Mechanical Adjuster, Prestserve - Lease Hand-to-Work Ltda. 11 & 12/1988, Aratú-BA.

08 - Bilingual Receptionist, Hotel Praia Salvador S / A. 03-05 / 1987, Salvador, Bahia.

09 - Bilingual Receptionist, Luxor Hotels - Conveto Carmo S / A. 04-06 / 1984, Salvador-BA
- Translate technical literature during maintenance
- Track crews to office, airport and other
- Track crew on surveys in CPBA. The 2nd Naval District

10 - Artistic Producer, Artistic Events Recorder w / e. 07/1983 - 09/1984, Salvador, Bahia.

11 - Bag-man, Bahia Othon Palace Hotel S / A. 06-09 / 1981, Salvador, Bahia.

12 - Tourism Guide, Tourism & Pioneer sightseen Ltda. 01-06 / 1981, Salvador, Bahia.

13 - English Teacher, CCAA. 01-03 / 1981, Rio de Janeiro-RJ

14 - Teacher (2nd to 5th Grade Elementary), Bebedouro Adventist School, 06 - 12/1980-ES Linhares.

15 - Lyricist Painter, A. Linhares Advertising Ltda. 05-07 / 1978, Salvador, Bahia.

16 - Lyricist Painter, Soft Bahia S / A (Coca-Cola). 02-06 / 1978, Salvador, Bahia.

17 - Upholsterer helper, Mr. Antonio Vieira da Nobrega (standalone), 02/1972 - 02/1975.


1.         Cargo Agent

2.         Commercial Assistant

3.         Administrative Clerical

4.         Office Assistant

5.         Operations Clerk (Port Servixes)

6.         Barman

7.         Waiter

8.         Manager Administtrative

9.         Commercial Manager

10.      Installer and Repairer of Lines and Appliancesechanical

11.      Radio Operator

12.      Receptionist Billingüe

13.      Sales Representative

14.      Painter Lyricist

15.      Artistic Producer

16.      Teacher

17.      Seller (pracista)


2 - Industrial Manager - ICECAL ... Ltda.

1 - Commercial Manager - HOZANÁ NORTHEAST ... Ltda.






1.         Working at any time

2.         Working on any day of the week,

3.         Attending to the Company in any unit of the Federation,

4.         Attending to the Company in any country (even those who are in "conflict").

Proposal / Interview / Test / Training

For any: Proposal / Interview / Test / Training, I can be found by my "contacts" and I can carry them, by phone and internet. Sending printed documents via "Mail conventional" and / or scanned and posted by my virtual address.

Cooperation Access

With the end to become agile my assistance the my Employer in any State or any Country, I need to count on the cooperation in the purchase of PTA and document proceeding and other disembarrassments to be sent to mine I domiciliate in Salvador, or where to point in the occasion of the “contract”. Remembering that the PTA if will not be norm, or custom of the Employer - or for questions of access for the beginning of the work, to defray the locomotion of the rendering employee/of service, to be for my account and being deducted in my wage by means of the emission of a “Vaucher” to the RH for my Employerr.

"There is not necessity of fear or distrust, for: accidents and/or sinister in my act of contract for another Country because, if necessary, I emit one "Term of Personal Responsability" for my transit in the Country, recognized in Notary's office and the competent World-wide Authority for such affair".


This, for not looking like itself with what happened with the Jean Brazilian in the Subway of London that compelled the Government of the United kingdom to bear with a moral and financial responsibility for the independent immigration of mine "co-patriot".




My "Career" began early.
Well, I was raised - when my Parents returned from Duque de Caxias, RJ (mid-1959) to settle in Itabuna-BA, in a totally professional environment with my Father: Mr. Antonio Vieira da Nobrega, my Uncles: Edgar (which today still living in Itabuna), Francisco (Chico) and Brothers Parishioners of my Father
The site was a "
upholstery shop" My Father, my Uncles and our brothers undertook Fraternal like a collective enterprise.
And was the "Riverside Waterfall" - at the bottom of "upholstery shop" My Father, my Uncles and our Fraternal Brothers started giving me the Early Teachings on ethics, honesty, sharing, simplicity, modesty, confidence,simplicity, and above all: contrition and professionalism.
My Father with his methodical and precise way took chunks of: sticks, wire, nails and the like to express my creativity with craft-toys, simple, cheap and fun that he only gave the intent and the rest I created, causing her smiles of accomplishment.


The Antônio Vieira Filho - Nenzinho - Nenco or Téi, became - with that, in a Professional: creative, exacting, diligent, determined and obstinate; need, unhappy, stubborn, and self-manageable disciplined.

I do not know the words, "difficult" and not "impossible".
The hard, is a challenge and the challenge is my calling.
And the impossible, thrills my creativity and provokes me again.
Some even used to say, when I say yes or no on a thesis no use speculating because I've been to the last consequences. If I were a policeman or a General, pity the enemy 'I pick him up from under the d'Mommie him.

But ...
It's my nature.
Now, there's something that seems doubtful, whether it is advantage or disadvantage in my natural constitution: I'm very patient, fair, courteous, comprehensive, gentleman, diplomatic simple and have the entrepreneurial spirit as extreme - because of D. Iraildes - my Mother, taste - even though, to stop and listen to others.
Companies where I have worked, as Hozaná Northeast ... Ltda., ICECAL Northeast ... Ltda., Prestomar ... Ltd., Concrete ... Ltda., And Extencil ...Ltda. at Cargo, to: Clerk, Supervisor or Manager, I was always sympathized by Employees and well appreciated by superiors. Because I am not the "Godfather", I always buy the company because, strictly follow the tutor of my superiors and instigate the employees to take work as a challenge an accomplishment of all.


Antonio Vieira Fiilho * Phone: +55-71-4141-5594 (Monday to Friday between: 10am and 4pm) +55-71-9284-4871 & 8174-4000 (AOH) * E-mail: av-jr@lycos.com  IMS: IMS: www.icq.com >  ICQ No. 610768424 ou av-jr@lycos.com

Tip: If you have trouble when you call one of my numbers, realize that the Brazilian telephone system, we use:a-the international code + b-operator + c-local code + d-subscriber,+thus: a-55, b-041, c-71, d-4141-5594 | = +55-041-71-4141-5594.

So if you turn the conventional way and you cannot, use this formula.

Salvador - Bahia - BRASIL