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Mr. FILHO, Antonio Vieira

About Myself

Personal datas
  1. I was born, of: Antonio Vieira of the Nóbrega and Iraildes Alves de Souza To: 03:45 hs of day 25/08/1959;
  2. In: Jardim Primavera - Saracuruna, Duque of Caxias-RJ/BRASIL; I was migrado - by my Parents, for Itabuna-BA in middle of October of the same year;
  3. I was migrado - by my Parents, for Itabuna-BA in middle of October of the same year;
  4. I was baptized, in: Parish and Diocese of São José in the end of October, exactly;
  5. I was married Mrs. Sandra, to: 03/12/1983 in Salvador-BA;
  6. With who I had: Murilo (10/1984, Salvador-BA), Rodrigo (09/1987, Salvador-BA) and Larissa (03/1989, Stº Antonio de Jesus-BA);
  7. After " divorce" with D. Sandra I joined, me in "steady union" with Mrs. Luisa, to: 21/08/1995;
  8. With who I had: Lucas Mettalagê (09/1996, Salvador-BA) and Carolaine (01/1999, São Paulo (RM) - SP;
  9. I was Comungado, in: Convent of the Abbey of Nª Srª of the Graça, Salvador-BA, to: 15/03/2007;
  10. I was Crismado, also, in: Convent of the Abbey of Nª Srª of the graça, Salvador-BA, to: 15/07/2007;
  11. I made the ENEM in 2010 for the State College Hamilton de Jesus Lopes;
  12. I made in December/2010 the Vestibular contest: 2011.1, of: " Business Administration" in the Faculdade da Cidade and I was 6º Placed.
Antropological constitution
  • My Father is descending of the Clan of the Nóbregas (Originary of Spain), " on the part of her Father" e of Cariris Primitive, on the part of Mother;
  • My Mother was descending of "Family Alves de Souza" of Ibicui (originary of Itapeting-BA), and of the Primitive Camacãs, Imborés, and Pataxós and on the part of her Father, also, because my Maternal Grandmothers, were prime in 2º Degree.

Religious constitution

For descending of European family and having had little influences primitive, my Father, Mr. Antonio Vieira of the Nóbrega, was a devoted person very the “Church of Christ” and “worshipper” of Stª. Luzia;

My Mother, on the other hand, for having had very influences primitive, suffered also, influences her “fetichista" primitive of my Grandfather. As much that all my Maternal Uncles and Aunts were very superstitious, believing of aboriginal legends, as: Caipora, Saci-Pererê and others and of designs caused for the luck and bad luck; My Father - per almost five years, it looked for to conciliate all Family in the “Church of Christ”. Baptize-Me in the Cathedral of São José, Baptizing my Rita Sister, also, but, of as much discord and domestic attrition because of religion, my Father yielded the proselitismo of the family the Seita of the Adventistas of the Seventh Day to obtain to keep the unanimous family and to finish to create the children.

The result of this, is that:

Constitution Spiritual

With this trajectory, what I could conclude with aid of Orthodox Priests, Orthodox Rabbis, Shakes Mulçumanos and of many accompanying students of the Christian Cabalistica, Jewish and of the Sufa Islãmica, it is that the fetichista Spirit of the Primitive that deflorated my Mother wanted to usurp my life provoking many confusions (curse) in my life: studant, mainly professional and marriage. But, with mine "return" to " christianism" the curse was unloaded.


  1. Citizenship: CHRISTIAN (Apostólica Catholic "UNITA")
  2. Nationality: Brazilian
  3. Naturalness: " Fluminense" of Duque of Caxias-RIO DE JANEIRO
  4. Marital state: " Divorced"

Physical characteristics

  • Height: 1,86 m.
  • Weight: 98,7 kg
  • Eyes: Chestnuts
  • Hair: Black color

Other Details

  • Where I grew: Itabuna and Salvador - Bahia - BRAZIL;
  • Places where I liveed: BAHIA: Itabuna, Salvador, BlFloresta Aul, Jequié, Ipiaú, Jitaúna, Sto. Antonio de Jesus; ESPÌRITO SAINT: Linhares, Cariacica, Coleatina, Nova Venécia, São Mateus; RIO DE JANEIRO: Macaé; PARÁ: Belém, Ananideua;
  • National trips: BAHIA: Itabuna, Salvador, Floresta Azul, Jequié, Ipiaú, Jitaúna, Sto. Antonio de Jesus, Vitória da Conquista, Jequié, Jitaúna, ThiCapim Grosso, Itatiaia, Gavião, Feira de Santana, Serrinha, Taquinho… ESPÌRITO SAINT: Linhares, Cariacica, Coleatina, Nova Venécia, São Mateus; RIO DE JANEIRO: Macaé; PARÁ: Belém, Ananideua; João Pessoa, Recife, Palmares, Belém de Maria-PE; Santa Catarina, Vale do Itajai-SC;
  • International trips: Salt Island - CAPE GREEN, Tunisia-TUNIS, Moscow and Tula-RUSSIA, Athens, Corintho, Patras, Larissa-GREECE; 
  • Other names: Téi, Vieira, Antonio, Júnior.

Muito prazer em conhecê-lo(a)!
Antonio Vieira Filho

Essa é a Cidade onde eu moro com minha familia.

Envie-nos a sua menssagem:

Antonio Vieira Fiilho * Phone: +55-71-4141-5594 (Monday to Friday between: 10am and 4pm) +55-71-9284-4871 & 8174-4000 (AOH) * E-mail: av-jr@lycos.com  IMS: IMS: www.icq.com >  ICQ No. 610768424 ou av-jr@lycos.com

Tip: If you have trouble when you call one of my numbers, realize that the Brazilian telephone system, we use:a-the international code + b-operator + c-local code + d-subscriber,+thus: a-55, b-041, c-71, d-4141-5594 | = +55-041-71-4141-5594.

So if you turn the conventional way and you cannot, use this formula.

Salvador - Bahia - BRASIL